A world to conquer, a life to live, I am, I will

Thoughts within me written down in words

tisdag 11 januari 2011

Let’s call it god’s game, let’s call it faith....

We whine, we cry, and feel sorry for ourselves when thing’s doesn’t work out the ways that we thought they would. We simply find ways to blame the wrongs on some thing’s or somebody else, when in fact the only one to blame is often you, you as in yourself.

Why do we wait when we can do it now?
Why do we postpone things?
Why do we blame others?
Why are we in a hurry?

Could it be because of fear?
Fear of failing if we do?

On the other hand other things have a funny way of working out without our help. Suddenly a dark space lights up from nowhere. Suddenly there is a road that had a block before, stands open completely. We decide not to do something about something and all of a sudden the thing we didn’t do fails in a really bad way.

We call it faith.
We say it was meant to be.
We tell ourselves it wasn’t meant to happen.

I say you can control your own faith. Don’t sit around and wait for anything to happen, make it happen! Don’t be afraid to take that step you have been thinking of for a long time. Let’s call it faith, let’s call it gods game. But whatever you do take the risk or you’ll never know. Even if the risk you took backfired, start over. It’s okay because you dared to take that step.

What is the worst thing that could happen?

And if the worst thing happened, it’s just a setback, you’ll manage. You’ll get stronger. Change your view around things that are necessary to do. The important things that you feel are too difficult to change, change you point of view. Try to smile more, try to love more. From the loved ones to the smallest things like for example something you like to eat or drink. Love more!
Show more love to the ones you love. Treat people with love in different stages. Become people’s mirror. Let them see how they really can be. Don’t forget yourself, never. Love yourself first then others. We now this very well, but we must start acting after it. If you want to love others, you have to learn loving yourself first. If someone hurts you or makes a mistake, whatever it is, try to be reasonable. You just might be the help for the problem but not knowing about it.

I’ve learned something throughout the years and the problems I’ve encountered. And that is me. I’ve got to know myself. How I could handle situations, different kind of situations. How my reasoning around things were. I learned to love in an entirely different way. Think and see stuff, people and situations with new eyes, new mind, reasonable.

Get a hold of yourself; get a hold of the situation.
Today I am on my way towards my goals, some more difficult than others but I’m handling them one by one. Smiling along the way and trying to manage the days with positive thoughts and views.


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