A world to conquer, a life to live, I am, I will

Thoughts within me written down in words

tisdag 20 april 2010

Which path will be yours?

Willingly taking a path that's right, not right in people’s mind but right in your mind, how will you know that the path you chose will do you good, you don’t.. BUT take a minute, sit down and feel, do not think, just feel. What is your heart beating for? The blood in your body runs through your veins giving life. This is your body treat it right because this will be your future.

Don't take the easy road just because you don't have the strength to fight. Fight for the ones you love and for the one you want to share your life with. The path you choose will decide your destiny.

I love for I want to be loved. I care because I love. I hate because I care.

Appretiate the things life gives you, whether it's good or bad because someday you will need this knowledge.

What is important for you? the money you make? how many designer shoes and cars you have? Or the people you have in your life? Which one of these things do you want to bring with you on your journey?

When you walk along this path will you leave stones behind so you can find your way back or will you cover your footprints?

Where do you want to live? In the past or in the future? Do you want to take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back? Or do you want to keep on taking steps forward?

Some things are too heavy to bring along, you have to leave them behind, but in the same time you have to do this without regret.

No path is the wrong path, we choose our own every day, everything we do and say molds our future. People we meet on the way, the ones we choose to bring along and the ones we leave behind.

I always say that my life is a lot like a train, and the stations are the people I meet on the way and the places I see. I stay a bit longer on some stations and shorter on other. But I know that my time will come where I will go off this train forever.

Over & Out

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